The cause of occurrence of acid rain
Acid rain is a serious environmental problem that is really a lot of rethinking by humans. This is a common problem that is gradually affecting human life. The term acid rain was first introduced by Angus Smith when he wrote about industrial pollution in England at 2001.But the term acid rain is not evective,the evective one is acid deposition. Acid rain can also be interpreted as all sorts of rain with a pH below 5.6. Rain is naturally acidic (pH slightly under 6) because of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air that dissolves with rain water has a shape as a weak acid. Type of acid in rain is very beneficial because it helps dissolve minerals in the soil needed by plants and animals.
Basically Acid rain is caused by two air pollutants, Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) which are both produced through combustion. But about 50% SO2 in the atmosphere occurs naturally throughout the world, for example, from volcanic eruptions and forest fires are natural. While the other 50% comes from human activities, for example due to BBF combustion, metal smelting and power generation. Crude oils have sulfur from 0.1% to 3% and coal 0.4% to 5%. BBF Left on fuel, it oxidizes the sulfur into sulfur dioxide (SO2) and loose in the air. Sulfur oxides are later transformed into sulfuric acid.
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